WoW Addons: Gladius

Version: Gladius r28
Date: 2013-07-24
Game Archives
Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
No special requirements

Description - WoW Addons: Gladius

EditBy: Supports Game Version: 3.1.0It is highly configurable and you can disable most features of this addon. Features:* Uses the 3.0 Arena Unit IDs, this enables full functionality even if the enemy is seen first while in combat. * General arena unit frame features: - HP bar + Text - Mana bar + Text - Cast bar + Text - Class icon * PvP trinket status( Five display options): - Name icon. - Name text. - Big icon (big, scalable icon to the right). - Small icon (small icon to the right on top of the mana bar). - Grid-style icon (colored square to the right on top of the mana bar that turns red when the trinket has been used). * Target of Target - displays a class icon representing the enemy`s target. *Announcements - New enemy announcement - announces new enemies. - Trinket announcement - announces when the trinket is used/is ready again. - Drinking announecment. - Enemies on low health - announces enemies that are about to die, you can set the percentage yourself. * Auras - shows important buffs and debuffs on the arena enemies. You can add/delete/edit auras via the configuration screen. * Click actions - you can select what is going to happen when you click on a Gladius button. - Ten editable click actions. - Three modifiers: SHIFT, CTRL and ALT. - Four different action types: Target, Focus, Cast Spell and Macro.

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